The Elementary program at Amare reflects a new stage of development for children ages 6-12. The Montessori materials are a means to an end in the ElementaryClassrooms. They are intended to evoke the imaginations, to aid abstraction, and to generate a worldview about the human task and purpose. The child works within a philosophical system asking questions about the origins of the universe, the natures of life, people and their differences, and their connection to the world around them. The Elementary experience at Amare is divided into two levels, Lower Elementary ages 6-9 and UpperElementary ages 9-12. While both age groups encompass the elementary years, they both have distinct differences academically and socially.
The Lower Elementary curriculum incorporates math, reading, grammar, science, history, and geography into the daily writing, research projects, experiments, and a series of “Great Lessons” which provide springboards for further research in all subject areas. Socially the children are learning to become part of a group and developing respectful communications skills while using their new sense of fairness and justice in a respectful and effective manner. Children are learning to read and then reading to learn, while also showing evidence of work in written form. Focus on the development of independence, time management, self-awareness within a group setting, self-control, attentiveness, organization of personal and school items and public speaking and presentations are integrated into all aspects of Lower Elementary work.
The Upper Elementary curriculum builds on the foundations of the Lower Elementary program as students delve deeper into such subjects as Anatomy, Astronomy, Ecology and Cultural Studies. They work as a community and establish a self-governing community, understanding and taking responsibility for how actions impact the greater community. Arithmetic, geometry, and algebra move from concrete to abstract. Self, peer, and guide assessment occurs for projects. Children begin developing time management skills through year long projects, deadlines, and weekly check-ins. Life skills, such as time management, creative collaborations, public presentations, and leadership are forged through coordinating assignments, presentations, “Going out” and field trips and active participation in service projects for the school and our local community.
All these opportunities are supported in the classroom, provided the child is present, engaged, attentive, and has a cohesive relationship between home and work.